Hey Mark! Sorry it took me this long to get back to you.
Let me preface my response with at this point is pure speculation based on what we currently know from the acquisition and the intentions of Adobe.
The first question that we need to ask: Why is Adobe acquiring Magento?
As they have shared they are looking to patch a hole on their Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC) offering, which currently lacks that ecommerce component.
Being that AEC is higher end offering — licenses seems to be on the 3 million dollar range for the entire suite — the likely outcome from the acquisition is that Adobe will take what currently is know as Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition (ECE) and absorb it as part of AEC withs own stack, hosting, etc.
Now, when I said:
We will likely see, some agencies getting acquired, merging or disappearing altogether. Same goes on the way of freelancers.
I wasn’t trying to imply there would be a crackdown by Adobe, but rather that their involvement and the fact they are now bringing their ecosystem will challenge the current agencies and freelancers on the Magento side.
Have you consider what kind and size of agencies exist on the Adobe side?
What happens if and when agencies the side of Deloitte Digital, get involved in the Magento ecosystem? They will get acquired, smaller agencies will need to grow in order to compete and continue to being relevant.
As to what happens with the Open source component thats where it gets interesting; and is yet to be seen if the open source development keeps the same pace and commitment as it currently does.